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Organic Chives


Slender and savory, chives have thin, tender stems that are delightful both raw or cooked. Not to be confused with green onions or spring onions, chives are related to lilies! If you were to see them growing in the wild, then you'd find that they bloom with beautiful lilac flowers during spring. Perennial and evergreen, chives are one of the easiest plants to grow and make for a flavorful addition to a variety of dishes! Famously used in French dishes as part of the foursome "fines herbes" (chervil, parsley, chives, and tarragon). Chives are delicious when paired with butter, potatoes, and poultry. 
Gourmet Specialties

Keep unwashed chives wrapped in a damp paper towel in a loose plastic bag in the refrigerator, lightly rinse when you're ready to use. Then chop thinly and toss on top of your dish!

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